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Professional and Dedicated Recruitment Services

Technical intern training Specified skills Study abroad Specified activities (job hunting) Specified activities (other than job hunting) Spouses of Japanese nationals, etc. Permanent residents, permanent residents, etc.

Japan Government Authorization license

The recruitment and working culture in Japan differs somewhat from other countries and finding the right employee with the necessary set of skills might be difficult. That is why recruiting agencies are vital players in matching the available talents with the companies so that both can benefit from the cooperation.

Worker dispatching business

労働者派遣事業 許可番号 派13-306265

Employment placement business

有料職業紹介事業 許可番号 13-ユ-305102

Specified Skills Registration Support

特定技能登録支援機関 19登-000435


Grow Glow Together In Japan

An Introduction to Specified Skilled Workers Currently Working in Japan

Engineer Specialist.

in Humanities Int Services.

SSW Visa.

Specified Skilled Worker.

TITP Visa.

Technical intern Training program.

Student Visa.

Japan part-time job.

Remote projects.

Agent service specializing in remote projects.


Agent service specializing in Freelancer.Freelancers for any job online..

Virtual Employees.

The dedicated virtual employee working with your resource as easy as being in the next cubicle..

Recruitment overseas.

We provide solutions for optimal human resource utilization for overseas expansion and business expansion..

Outsource .

DX operation that incorporates IT technology. Cloud-based call center/DX demonstration experiment.

Training/career support.

We define three skills that are essential in these unpredictable times. Create motivation to work.


AI・IT エンジニア

Comprehensive human resources services Staffing/Recruitment/Freelancer/Remote projects/Virtual Empioyees/Outsource

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